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Policies and Procedures

Head Lice

Sovereign Star aims to protect tamariki, whānau, teachers, volunteers and visitors from infestation by head lice. We do our part to stop head lice from spreading, and we ask that parents/caregivers do the same.

To do so, we enforce a set of guidelines that will help to prevent the spreading of lice, which includes the staff notifying the parents/caregivers of the child in question so that the child can be picked up immediately, and the child cannot be permitted back until the infestation is successfully treated.

Teachers will consult with management for a second opinion before any action is taken. This is to ensure that any child who is subjected to head lice is treated with dignity and respect.


Sovereign Star aims to protect tamariki, whānau, teachers, volunteers and visitors from contracting infectious illnesses. Exposure to illnesses is inevitable, but precautions need to be taken to prevent the spread of illnesses to others.

Our policy guidelines include, but are not limited to; standard safety and hygiene procedures; medication kept and administered by the teachers, as instructed by parents; child absence; teachers trained in first aid.

We also advise parents on any current or potential outbreaks reported by the Ministry of Health and ensure that no child will be excluded from the preschool on the grounds of having Hepatitis B or AIDS.

Concerns and Complaints

Sovereign Star encourages parents to discuss issues or problems that may arise directly with staff or management and we undertake to find solutions as soon as possible. We view any feedback positively and we are aware of how important it is that the users of our preschool are happy with the service we provide.

Policies and procedures are available from the administration office on request and the above policies are available in the welcome pack for new starters.

Sovereign Star Nursey and Preschool

414 Williams St, Kaiapoi 7691, New Zealand

All photographs are sourced from Sovereign Star Nursery and Preschool, with permission from the subjects and the parents/caregivers.

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